
Writer creates new chapters after traumatic heart episode

Many screenplay writers use a common phrase to signal the end of their film: “fade to black.”

After his 2023 heart surgery, 67-year-old Herman Johansen - an actor and writer - is determined that his show must go on.

Johansen grew up in Billings, Missouri and earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting from (Southwest) Missouri State University, a school known for producing film and Broadway actors. He stayed in the area, married and raised two children: Nathan and Cassandra.

8 Steps to a Healthy Heart

8 Steps to a Healthy Heart Blog Image

There are eight ways you can improve your heart health and decrease your risk of heart-related illnesses and complications, no matter your age or lifestyle. Charles Kim, M.D., FACC, cardiologist at Lovelace Medical Group/New Mexico Heart Institute, shares these tips.

1. Stop or decrease smoking

Risk factors from smoking include heart disease, chest pains, heart attack, arrhythmias, high blood pressure, damaged heart tissue and heart failure. Your risk for cardiovascular disease and disorders decreases substantially when you stop smoking.

Could you be one of the tens of millions of Americans who may have AFib and not know it?

If your heart’s aflutter, a poet may say the nervous excitement you feel is because you are in love. Your doctor, however, will tell you that your heart’s flutter could be a sign of a serious condition: atrial fibrillation.

Help Your Heart’s Health Through Blood Pressure Monitoring

It is estimated that nearly 46% of Americans have high blood pressure, making them more likely to have a heart attack or stroke. Knowing how to take your blood pressure accurately and how to evaluate the reading can be lifesaving.

Drop Your Pride, Make the Call

While working in his home office in November 2021, Jim M. began to feel lightheaded. Alone, Jim gently lowered himself to the floor, knowing a fall was imminent. Moments later, he began to realize the lightheaded, dizzy feeling wasn’t going to subside.

Fortunately, Jim made the decision to call an ambulance, and Albuquerque EMTs arrived 10 minutes later. Jim was able to put up the dogs and greet the EMTs at the door, to their surprise.

After Three Heart Attacks, a Left Ventricular Assist Device and Support from Heart Hospital Has Given Him Precious Time

Jose M., 58, experienced his first heart attack in 2010. Since then, he’s experienced two more heart attacks. Although they weren’t major heart attacks, these incidents have led to multiple procedures and stents placed throughout the years. By 2020, Jose says he could feel himself getting weaker and needed to be seen by the doctor more frequently.

Athlete’s Heart Syndrome: Normal or Not?

When you train, whether it’s for a triathlon, cross-fit competition or 5k race, one inevitable thing happens to your body – muscle groups grow stronger and bigger. This is a natural response to the stress you’ve put on these muscles, allowing your body to better adapt to additional stress in the future.

Chronic Total Occlusion (CTO): Symptoms, Risks & Treatments

What is chronic total occlusion (CTO)?

Chronic total occlusion, commonly referred to as simply CTO, is a complete blockage of a coronary artery, lasting longer than three months. Once plaque has built up to the point of complete blockage, blood flow to the heart is compromised. If left untreated, CTO can lead to a slew of health issues including pain and fatigue, among others.

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD): What You Need to Know

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD): What You Need to Know

Coronary artery disease, also known as CAD, is the most common type of heart disease and a leading cause of death in both men and women in the United States.

What are the causes and risks?

This condition is a result of a buildup of cholesterol and other material, known as plaque, on the walls of the arteries that can cause health problems and lead to a heart attack.

Dealing with AFib? Learn More About Which Type You Have.

Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is a common condition of arrhythmia, which is defined as a problem with the rate or rhythm of your heart. This could mean your heart beats too quickly (tachycardia) or it beats slower than normal (bradycardia) and often in an erratic pattern. There are four types of AFib. Figuring out which type you have is imperative to finding the right AFib treatment.